Registration Information

  • For participants already members of the Puppeteers of America. Includes tickets to all shows, and workshops sessions.

  • For participants who are not already members of the Puppeteers of America. Includes tickets to all shows, and workshops sessions, and a Puppeteers of America membership for 1 year.

  • Admission to all programming for The Day for Puppetry in Education and Therapy. For more info see the Puppet Homecoming website.

  • note- choosing "yes" does not guarantee a spot in the Puppet Market. For me info see the "FAQ" on the Puppet Homecoming page.

The Quality Inn in Ithaca has a hotel block reserved for us the nights of November 1st and 2nd.  Use the link below to book at our group rate. 

The deadline for booking at the group rate is October 1st.

If you are staying until Monday to attend the PET day, please call the hotel at (607) 645-5185  to book an extra night. 

Want a Roommate?

 All rooms have two double beds.  If you would like to be paired with another festival attendee and share a room, please select the option below.  

*Note- We are doing this to help make attending the festival as affordable as possible, and we will try our best to pair you with a roommate, but we cannot guarantee that we can find someone to pair you with. 

Workshop Sign Up

Registration includes admission to one workshop in every session.  The "price" for certain workshops is a material fee to pay for the building materials provided to workshop attendees.  If you do note plan to attend a workshop in a particular timeslot, or you are teaching a workshop in that timeslot, please select "None".  

Workshop Session 1 (Saturday 9-10:30)*

  • Light and Heavy, Big and Small with Katya Popova

    Light and Heavy, Big and Small with Katya Popova

    For all ages!

    In the course of the workshop we will create big puppets from very light paper, with very heavy sack feet (sand or grains), as well as simple smaller marionettes and table top puppets. KISS (keep it simple stupid) is our mantra! This workshop is great for kids or grown ups alike.

    About Katya-

    Katya Popova is a Boston-based artist, working at the intersection of painting, performance, and design. Katya received training in the fine arts in Moscow, Russia, before studying graphic design in the US. In addition to working as a graphic designer and illustrator, Katya has a background in physical theater and puppetry, often collaborating with sound artists. Her works explore what could have been by tracing the physical gestures and material qualities of everyday things.

    In the past ten years, she has presented her work at numerous street festivals, shows and galleries, participated in artist residencies, and worked on projects with the Bread and Puppet Theater.

    Katya is a graduate of the Rhode Island School of Design with a BFA and received an MA at Boston University. Presently she teaches courses on Visual Art, Design, and Performance at the New England Conservatory of Music.

    Price $10.00

  • Building Puppets and Lanterns inspired by Freshwater Fish with The Green Feather Foundation & Heather Henson

    Building Puppets and Lanterns inspired by Freshwater Fish with The Green Feather Foundation & Heather Henson

    For all ages!

    With our Northeast community, we want to celebrate the return of clean fresh running waters and the beings who need them. Together, we’ll create and show an array of puppets or lanterns inspired by fish found in our local waterways. Workshop attendees will utilize simple materials, such as paper and wood. During the build, participants will learn songs that they’ll later perform with their puppets. With instruction by Green Feather Foundation and Heather Henson, attendees will gain skills to use in their own future projects. After the workshop, the group will show their creations and songs in an illuminated parade.

    Green Feather Foundation is a multi-platform non-profit encompassing existing programs of IBEX Puppetry, Handmade Puppet Dreams, Puppet Slam Network, as well as the educational and philanthropic works of Heather Henson. Founded by Henson in 2020 -- umbrellaing work dating back to 2000 -- Green Feather’s mission is to promote health and healing of the planet through artistic spectacle, puppetry, and the reconnection of individuals with the land through immersive cultural, environmental and arts education. Heather Henson is a contemporary artist who values ways of life that are in balance with nature, native value systems, and community. Henson is president of The Jane Henson Foundation and chairman of the Jim Henson Legacy.

    Price $0.00

  • Intro to Puppet Improv with Electric City Puppets

    Intro to Puppet Improv with Electric City Puppets

    For Adults

    The ECP troupe began as improvisational theatre performers who then developed into a puppetry-focused group. We utilize improv as our regular rehearsal format and as the primary component for many of our live performances. Improv can be used in multiple ways - as a tool to rehearse together without needing a script, as a way to develop new characters and new scripted material, and as an art form in its own right. During this workshop, ECP's artistic director Alex Timmis, a professional improvisational theatre coach, assisted by other members of the troupe, will lead participants through the key components of hand and rod puppet manipulation (enough to get anyone started) and introduce a core curriculum of improv games, skill building exercises, and explore the grammar of successful improv scenework, utilizing puppetry to inform and advance improv craft.

    Since 2016, Electric City Puppets has performed scripted and non scripted longform theatre throughout New York’s Capital Region, including Troy Savings Bank Music Hall, Schenectady Kids Art Festival, Arts Center of the Capital Region and MopCo Improv Theatre. The artistic mission of ECP is to connect with people of all ages through the art of puppetry across multiple mediums. From soft foam puppets and children’s programs to shadow puppet burlesque, these performers draw on decades of experience in improv as well as professional puppetry, theatre and film.

    Price $5.00

  • Parade Puppets for Your Community(Sessions 1 and 2) with Cheryl Capazzuti

    Parade Puppets for Your Community(Sessions 1 and 2) with Cheryl Capazzuti

    Ages 10 and up

    Participants in this workshop will design and build a parade mask that can be easily transformed into a giant puppet. This workshop will focus on accessible and light-weight construction techniques using recycled materials for making the heads of giant puppets. Capezzuti will bring her set of interchangeable and swap-able puppet bodies so we can take our work on a test run at the Puppet Homecoming Parade on Sunday afternoon. She will share the tools, skills, patterns, and techniques that she uses to make hundreds of puppets with people of all ages in her Pittsburgh community. As a bonus, participants will learn a selection of dances for giant puppets, inspired by her favorite project to date, Giant Puppet Dance Club.

    Cheryl Capezzuti has been making giant puppets and community-interactive public art experiences in Pittsburgh for more than 25 years. She is best known for the artist-made, people-powered First Night Pittsburgh Parade which features about 300 giant puppets, puppet-mobiles, dozens of musicians, pedicab puppets and over 400 volunteers making it happen. She’s been an Artist-in-Residence at the Pittsburgh International Airport where she made puppets to parade through the airport completely out travelers’ discards and she’s been commissioned by the City of Pittsburgh to tell its history using giant puppets for the Bicentennial Parade. She teaches at Falk Lab School at the University of Pittsburgh where her Giant Puppet Dance Club may be the most unexpected student program. Between parades, her puppets are housed at the Braddock Carnegie Free Library, one of Andrew Carnegie’s first libraries, and can be checked out by anyone with a library card for events, celebrations and just for fun. Learn more at

    Price $20.00

  • Foam for Brains, Demystifying the Building of Foam Based Puppets with Mary Nagler

    Foam for Brains, Demystifying the Building of Foam Based Puppets with Mary Nagler

    For adults

    Suitable for beginner to advanced puppet builders, this lecture demonstration will take you through many of the processes used to make a foam- based puppet. Materials will be discussed and each participant will be provided a materials list and a baggie of samples for future reference. Comfort, ease of movement, durability, besides cutting, gluing and sewing will be covered. Mainly, multiple ways of accomplishing the same thing will provide the participant with options and the understanding there is more than one good way to make a great puppet!
    Anecdotes shared from my professional experience make it fun and are aimed to encourage the participants to have courage and avoid some of my mistakes! Mary Nagler, MFA Puppet Arts, UCONN, has worked for many professional Puppet companies, coast to coast, including: The Puppet Heap, Rick Lyon Studio, Images in Motion, Furry Puppet Co. to name a few. She has taught college level Puppetry classes and been a Guest Artist at multiple theatres and universities. Materials fee: $15.00 for invaluable handouts and samples.

    Bio for Mary H. Nagler, Artist/Puppeteer, MFA Puppet Arts, UCONN
    Mary Hildebrand Nagler is a Professional Puppet Designer, Fabricator, Performer and Teacher who has entertained family audiences for over forty years. Nagler comes from a varied career in Puppetry; from her original hand puppet version of Punch and Judy to building two Classic Muppet characters: Beaker and the Swedish Chef! She is the owner of Whorls of Wonder Puppet Theater, specializing in Ecology Puppet shows. Her puppet work has been seen in film, video, on stages, in college productions, in puppet festivals, fairs and in hundreds of informal gatherings on both coasts.
    She delights in sharing her experience and accumulated knowledge through teaching college level Theater courses in Puppetry, numerous workshops through the Puppeteers of America Festivals and for various private groups and organizations.
    See http://www.

    Price $15.00

  • Marionette Character through Physical Discovery(Sessions 1 and 2) with Madison Cripps

    Marionette Character through Physical Discovery(Sessions 1 and 2) with Madison Cripps

    For adults

    Build simple Marionette from objects and discover their personality through movement excersizes

    Price $10.00

  • None


    Please select none if you are unable to take a workshop during this timeslot, or if you are teaching a workshop during this timeslot. (Do not sign up for your own workshop)

    Price $0.00

Workshops Session 2 (Saturday 10:45-12:15)*

  • Sock Stick Puppets with Ryobina

    Sock Stick Puppets with Ryobina

    For all ages!

    Not your usual sock puppet! Make an easy to create stick puppet using a sock and materials you can easily find at home, such as sticks, paper, fabric, pipecleaners, yarn and markers! You can use any extra materials you might find, like buttons, lace, or feathers! There is no sewing or gluing necessary, but both are optional. Younger people might need some help, but this is a fun class for any age; grown ups are allowed to play, too! Your puppet can be a person or an animal, and very simple or fabulously fancy!

    Ryobina is a figment of her own imagination. A whimsical storyteller, puppet builder, and performer who creates strange and silly worlds. She makes short films, organizes Puppet Slams and events, and teaches puppet building & performing workshops. She creates theatrical productions with Honeyball Puppetry; RoRo Art is her toy-making business; and Puppet What What is the irrepressible sock puppet who bosses her around.

    Price $10.00

  • Puppetry on Broadway

    Puppetry on Broadway

    For adults

    From the Pridelands to Arendelle, puppetry is a crucial part of storytelling, especially on Broadway. In this fun panel, come hear from the puppeteers, puppet builders and puppet designers who have made their dreams of working on Broadway into a reality. Prepare to be inspired!

    Julia Schemmer is a graduate student, freelance production assistant and puppeteer based in New York City. Select production credits include Broadway: A Beautiful Noise, Back to the Future, Lempicka, MJ, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. TV: The Tonight Show, Late Night with Seth Meyers, Saturday Night Live, The Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.

    Schemmer holds a B.A. from Wilmington University in Communications and Marketing, and is currently pursuing her Master's in Business Administration.

    Price $0.00

  • Sound Effects and Synthesizers for Puppeteers with Jeff Bragg

    Sound Effects and Synthesizers for Puppeteers with Jeff Bragg

    For adults

    Sound effects are an important part of any live performance (other than mime). In this workshop, you will be introduced to electronic sound synthesizers, their theory and operation and their use in creating music and unique sound effects for puppet theater.

    The workshop will offer hands-on experience with synthesizers like those used in movies and television such as Star Wars and Sesame Street. Modern synthesizers are extremely affordable now, some are even as cheap as $50. Come prepared to take notes and make noise. No experience necessary.

    Price $0.00

  • Puppet-athalon with Mary Nagler

    Puppet-athalon with Mary Nagler

    Are you athletic? Have you aspired to be? Have you ever fantasized about being in the Olympics and winning gold? Here is your chance to make your dream come true! Popular at Regional Festivals on the West Coast, and at Dragon Con, the Puppet-Athlon is sweeping the Nation! Training begins at the Puppet -Athlon workshop with some of the participants competing on the Puppet-Athlon course on stage before a cheering crowd! Judges will decide who will win Gold, Silver, or Bronze, and go on to take their place in Puppet -Athlon history!! Class is limited, so sign up soon!

    Price $0.00

  • None


    Please select none if you are unable to take a workshop during this timeslot, or if you are teaching a workshop during this timeslot. (Do not sign up for your own workshop)

    Price $0.00

Workshops Session 3 (Sunday 9-10:30)*

  • Paper Dragon Puppets with Ryobina

    Paper Dragon Puppets with Ryobina [Sold Out]

    For adults
    Build a large paper dragon based on a simple template, and fancy it up with different types of paper and shapes for the wings, tails, feet, horns, etc. A finished Dragon with be partially 3-D (a bit like origami; head, feet, wings) & partially flat (for flexibility; body and tail) and perhaps up to 1 foot long, with 2 rods for control. It can be person or an animal, and very simple or fabulously fancy!

    Ryobina is a figment of her own imagination. A whimsical storyteller, puppet builder, and performer who creates strange and silly worlds. She makes short films, organizes Puppet Slams and events, and teaches puppet building & performing workshops. She creates theatrical productions with Honeyball Puppetry; RoRo Art is her toy-making business; and Puppet What What is the irrepressible sock puppet who bosses her around.

    Price $5.00

  • Marionette Creature with Dawn Jordan

    Marionette Creature with Dawn Jordan [Sold Out]

    For all ages!

    This workshop will provide all the necessary materials to create a marionette creature. Students will pick out their own clothe and paint a face and learn how to string their marionette with a simple controller.

    Price $10.00

  • Mastering the Green Screen with Bill Culbertson

    Mastering the Green Screen with Bill Culbertson

    For adults

    This is a "never say die" story with its roots in 1979. From a vision to reality, along one of the weirdest career paths you could imagine: from sculpting toys, working closely with folks at Sesame Street, Henson and Disney to video games to a PBS TV series with puppets, Pollywog Pond. We’ll talk about the video game development that led to the show, the show’s development process over the years, and many obstacles from learning to building puppets and sewing to 18-months of legal contract negotiations. The process of pitching the show with zero success to the breakthrough moment of getting greenlight for a series that, in its debut, received a number of awards including two Emmy nominations. We’ll share how we built a full broadcast studio on a shoestring budget. We’ll also look at writing with a curriculum and will share some of our solutions to technical issues. Our production relies heavily on chroma key background. We fought the beast, with miserable results, wrestling with cameras, lights and backdrops for over two years before finally conquering it. We’ll simplify the set-up process for you to get clean chroma key video to put your puppet actors anywhere you wish, from a muddy swamp to the moon. We will also cover some of the video post settings to process the videos. Our small team of five is now in full production! Hopefully we can inspire you to go after your dreams and visions.

    Price $0.00

  • Heads-Up with Laurencio Ruiz

    Heads-Up with Laurencio Ruiz

    For all ages!

    This workshop consists of creating a whimsical Luchador or Luchadora (wrestler) Mask Puppet Head with two paper cups that can bring home. The eyelids will be pre-cut to facilitate time managing and eye-moving effect. Additional materials will be supplied to participants to create their own puppet face. For children 5yo and older. Parent assistance for children under 5yo. Workshop duration: 30 to 45 minutes.

    Laurencio Ruiz is a lecturer of scenic design and puppetry at the Penn State School of Theatre. He holds an M.F.A. in Scenic Design from Penn State School of Theatre, and a B.A. in Graphic Design from Universidad Autónoma de Mexico, where he also studied visual arts. His experience as a trans-disciplinary designer and artist includes sets, costumes, puppets, masks, and props for cabaret, theater, television and film in Mexico and the U.S. Since his involvement with puppetry, he has been creating, directing, and performing original puppet shows at the Eugene O’Neil Theatre Center as an Emergent Artist, the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, the Philly Fringe Festival among other venues. He also received the Excellence and Variety Award in the field of short form adult puppet theatre by the National Puppet Slam Network, presented at the National Puppetry Festival in UConn, 2015; the KCACTF Certificate of Merit for Outstanding Scenic and Costume design for ‘Picnic’ in 2012, and for ‘Medea’ in 2006; the PSU College of Arts and Architecture Creative Achievement in Theatre Award in 2001.

    Price $2.00

  • Puppetry & the Performer: Principals of Handspring Puppet Company & Lecoq with Robin Guiver

    Puppetry & the Performer: Principals of Handspring Puppet Company & Lecoq with Robin Guiver [Sold Out]

    Ages 13 and up

    This fast paced and fun workshop will examine the relationships between puppet, performer and audience, combining technical exercises with creative challenges. As a group we explore Handspring’s principals of puppetry as a jumping off point for a whole world of performing objects, actor-puppet relationships, and expressions of poetic metaphor. Working with both solo and multi operator puppets we look at what puppetry can do as an art form, and also examine what it can teach us about our creative process as a whole!

    Robin is a puppeteer and physical performer, who has been working professionally in the theatre and film world for nearly 20 years. His approach to puppetry combines his Lecoq based movement training with extensive work with Handspring Puppet Company as part of the original West End cast of War Horse, and later as a workshop facilitator for the company. From there he has honed his skills with collaborations in film, TV and Theatre in the UK.

    In addition to his Performing in the West End, Robin has also worked with Complicite, Ad-Infinitum, the National Theatre, Gyre and Gimble and many others. Robin’s first work in film was as a Movement Artist on the award winning Gravity. Further projects include Creature FX puppetry with Neil Scanlan Studio on Star Wars ep VII, VIII and IX, Jurassic World and Solo. Under his own company, Performance FX, he has used puppets on the film sets of Tom and Jerry, the Fantastic Beasts films, The Little Mermaid and many others.

    Price $5.00

  • Puppet Jumpstart: LIVE! with Brad Shur (This workshop is for sessions 3 and 4)

    Puppet Jumpstart: LIVE! with Brad Shur (This workshop is for sessions 3 and 4)

    For adults

    Do you have a short puppetry piece you're working on? Whether it's on the page, on the stage or still mostly in your head, bring it on down and we'll tinker with it!

    For the last few years I've been teaching an online class called Puppet Jumpstart which focused on guiding aspiring puppeteers through the creation of their first (or newest) slam piece. This workshop will use some of those techniques to help participants continue to develop their work in progress.

    Each participant should prepare to present up to five minutes of material. Using a guided process of group and instructor feedback, we'll do our best to help each piece along, troubleshoot snags and share our varied expertise.

    You can bring a piece at any stage of development whether that's an elevator pitch, script, or a rough performance in progress. Due to limited time, this workshop is for works in progress where the final piece is short form. While we may be able to discuss technical questions, we will not have the time or resources to dive into the fine points of mechanical questions like puppetry mechanism.

    Brad Shur is the founder of Paper Heart Puppets, touring in the Northeast region and beyond with original shows, workshops and residencies. Previously he was the resident artist for Puppet Showplace Theater where he developed many shows and led puppetry education programming for children adults and everyone in between.

    Price $0.00

  • None


    Please select none if you are unable to take a workshop during this timeslot, or if you are teaching a workshop during this timeslot. (Do not sign up for your own workshop)

    Price $0.00

Workshops Session 4 (Sunday 10:45-12:15)*

  • Beyond the Sock Monkey with Edith McCrea

    Beyond the Sock Monkey with Edith McCrea

    Ages 12 and up

    In 1932, the Nelson Knitting Company changed the heel-color of its famous seamless socks to red to distinguish them from knock-offs. Thrifty Depression-era toymakers quickly began making the red-heel socks into monkeys, and an iconic American folk-art was born. A wide variety of other sock animals and dolls soon followed. Meanwhile, by the 1920s, Rudolf Steiner, founder of the Waldorf system of education in Germany, had inspired the creation of beautiful hand-made dolls and puppets with minimalistic facial features and all-natural materials. In this workshop, we will explore sock-monkey and Waldorf techniques for making dolls and animals out of socks and knits. These figures can then be adapted as marionettes, rod puppets, or tabletop puppets.

    Edith McCrea learned to make sock monkeys from her grandmother at a young age, and now makes monkeys, zebras, dinosaurs, sock dolls, Waldorf dolls, and other knit-fabric creations for children. She has built and performed puppets and made various bizarre props for The Cherry in Ithaca. She has performed, made puppets, written, and directed for Magic Garden Puppets, a Waldorf marionette troupe based in Cortland, New York. She has also made and performed crankies for the Ithaca Crankie Cabaret.

    Price $15.00

  • How to put together a puppet show-A Crash Course with Meada Taylor

    How to put together a puppet show-A Crash Course with Meada Taylor

    For adults

    This workshop will teach you the core components on how to put on a puppet show from start to finish, from planning to production. This crash course will cover an introduction on how to come up with ideas, writing a script, building puppets, rehearsals and performance. It will also tap into the business end of marketing and publicity.

    Meada Taylor was born and raised in NYC. Graduated with a B.A. in Theatre Arts/Media Communications from SUNY New Paltz. Masters in Multi-Disciplinary Studies from SUNY Buffalo. She was bitten by the Puppetry bug during her child rearing years where puppets were used as an impromptu teaching tool for her children’s childhood tendencies. Seeing the impact of changed behaviors, Kuumba- Nia Productions Puppet Co. was born. “Creativity With a Purpose”
    You can learn more about her and the company by visiting"

    Price $0.00

  • Mask & Movement with Adelka Polak

    Mask & Movement with Adelka Polak

    For adults

    This workshop gets our blood flowing while introducing various body work techniques used to approach the creation of a character through the physical presence. The focus of the workshop holds the potential to increase individual strength, stamina and stage presence. Spoken words, emotions and body language become more powerful with the consideration of posture, breath and gesture in the development of techniques that internationally-acclaimed mask performer Adelka Polak has developed over the years, including from her late Masque Theatre mentor Larry Hunt.

    Adelka Polak, founder of Sova Dance & Puppet Theater, based in CT & mainly serving schools, arts venues and community organizations in New England and NYC, including performances at Madison Square Park and Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge. In 2023 we had our first tour that included Wolf Trap Children’s-Theatre-in-the-Woods, the Ballard Institute & Museum of Puppetry, and the Puppet Showplace Theater! Adelka is a dancer, puppeteer, mask-performer and movement director whose work has brought her to Denmark, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Taiwan, Scotland and Turkey.

    In an original theatrical production of ""Ajijaak on Turtle Island” at the New Victory Theater she worked with puppets from the Henson Creature Shop in a show led by artists Heather Henson, Jim Henson’s youngest daughter, and Grammy-Award winner Ty Defoe. She also worked with Squonk Opera who went “from junkyards to Broadway” and performed at Lincoln Center Outdoors and LaMama, E.T.C. with the Czechoslovak-American Marionette Theater of NYC. Ms. Polak was featured on CPTV’s “Spotlight on the Arts” with Masque Theatre & Larry Hunt in a segment nominated for a cultural Emmy in 2010 and produced by Ed Wierzbiecki.

    She shares her knowledge of dance, puppetry and crossing artistic disciplines with audiences across the U.S. and abroad. She has worked with children across CT & the east coast building over 5,000 puppets annually now. She also taught with Z. Briggs and the Jim Henson Foundation in order to train educators, therapists and special education professionals how to use puppetry effectively in the classroom. She has worked as a professional puppeteer now for two decades, since she graduated from Chatham University with honors with a B.A. in Theatre and Cultural Studies in 2002.

    Price $0.00

  • Give Me a Hand or Two with Laurencio Ruiz

    Give Me a Hand or Two with Laurencio Ruiz [Sold Out]

    For adults

    Give Me a Hand consists of two parts:
    PART ONE: Explores the process of creating a simple but charismatic puppet head and body (half or full body) from all types of found objects and recycled materials, with the possibility of being manipulated by one person or two people.
    PART TWO: Explores the process of creating a visual narrative, employing manipulation techniques and performing a 30 seconds puppet vignette with the puppet the participants just created.

    Laurencio Ruiz is a lecturer of scenic design and puppetry at the Penn State School of Theatre. He holds an M.F.A. in Scenic Design from Penn State School of Theatre, and a B.A. in Graphic Design from Universidad Autónoma de Mexico, where he also studied visual arts. His experience as a trans-disciplinary designer and artist includes sets, costumes, puppets, masks, and props for cabaret, theater, television and film in Mexico and the U.S. Since his involvement with puppetry, he has been creating, directing, and performing original puppet shows at the Eugene O’Neil Theatre Center as an Emergent Artist, the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, the Philly Fringe Festival among other venues. He also received the Excellence and Variety Award in the field of short form adult puppet theatre by the National Puppet Slam Network, presented at the National Puppetry Festival in UConn, 2015; the KCACTF Certificate of Merit for Outstanding Scenic and Costume design for ‘Picnic’ in 2012, and for ‘Medea’ in 2006; the PSU College of Arts and Architecture Creative Achievement in Theatre Award in 2001.

    Price $5.00

  • Down with the 4th Wall!: Fresh Ideas for Audience Participation with Anna Sobel

    Down with the 4th Wall!: Fresh Ideas for Audience Participation with Anna Sobel

    For adults

    Inviting audience members to participate in your performance involves some risk. After all, you’re relinquishing control. But exploring and playing with the audience can also create interesting, fresh experiences that can keep you entertained, as well-- if there’s one thing that’s different at each show, it’s your audience! This lecture/demonstration will leave you with techniques to involve audiences of all sizes on a wide variety of levels, from seated participation to standing movements to onstage roles, all while avoiding pitfalls and maintaining control of the crowd.

    Anna Sobel first trained with Blue Sky Puppet Theatre, a children’s puppet company based in Washington, DC. In 2003, she spent nine months in India on a Fulbright Fellowship to study puppetry as a tool for social change and education. She founded her one-woman company, Talking Hands Theatre, in 2004. Her shows are designed for children and focus on educational or social themes. She is based in Shutesbury, Massachusetts and tours all over New England.

    Price $0.00

  • None


    Please select none if you are unable to take a workshop during this timeslot, or if you are teaching a workshop during this timeslot. (Do not sign up for your own workshop)

    Price $0.00


Can you make an optional donation?

Puppet Homecoming is organized completely by volunteers.  Please donate to support the travel and attendance costs for our volunteer organizers!

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